Privacy Policy

We at All India Hawkers Forum and our affiliated companies worldwide ("All India Hawkers Forum ") respect your privacy and are therefore committed to affording complete protection to the sensitive information relating to any user to our website. In recognition of your need for adequate protection and proper management of any personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") that we may receive from this website, All India Hawkers Forum has established this Online Privacy Policy. You agree to be legally bound by this Policy, which shall take effect immediately on your first use of the Site. We refer to Personal Information to mean any information that may identify an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and last name, physical address (whether, residential or official), email address or other contact information, that is not publicly available.

    Application of the Privacy Policy :

  • This Policy Covers How All India Hawkers Forum Treats Personal Information That May Be Received And Collected.
  • Links: The Website @ May Be Linked To Other Websites Which Are Developed By People Over Whom All India Hawkers Forum Exercises No Control. This Policy Does Not Apply To The Practices Of Such Third Party Sites. These Other Sites May Place Their Own Cookies On Your Computer, Collect Data Or Solicit Personal Information. All India Hawkers Forum Is Accordingly Not Responsible For The Privacy Practices Or The Content Of Such Websites.

    The types of information we receive are:

  • Information Given By The User: We Receive And May At Times Store Any Information Including Personal Information You Enter On Our Website..
  • Automatic Information: We May At Some Time, Receive And Store Certain Types Of Information Whenever You Interact With Us, E.G. The Use Of "Cookies"..
  • E-Mail Communications: To Help Us Make E-Mails More Useful, We Often Receive A Confirmation When You Open E-Mail From If Your Computer Supports Such Capabilities..
  • Information From Other Sources: We Might Receive Information About You From Other Sources And Add It To Our Account Information..
  • All India Hawkers Forum Collects Limited Non-Personally Identifying Information Your Browser Makes Available Whenever You Visit A Website. This Log Information Includes Your Internet Protocol Address, Browser Type, Browser Language, And One Or More Cookies That May Uniquely Identify Your Browser. We Use This Information To Operate, Develop And Improve Our Site..

Do we collect sensitive personal data?

We do not generally seek to collect Sensitive Personal Information through this Site. If we do seek to collect such information, we will ask you to consent to our proposed uses of the information. By providing us with unsolicited Sensitive Personal Information, you consent to our using such data/information subject to applicable law as described in this Privacy Policy. Sensitive Personal Information refers to the various categories of personal data identified by data privacy laws as requiring special treatment, including in some circumstances the need to obtain explicit consent, and include personal data about personality and private life, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, political opinions, membership of political parties or movements, religious, philosophical or other similar beliefs, membership of a trade union or profession or trade association, physical or mental health, genetic code, addictions, sexual life or criminal record.

Use to which information so received is put

As a general practice, no Personal Information is collected about a visitor to the website, apart from the personal information submitted by the visitor himself/herself. We shall use such Personal Information for the purpose for which you share it with us. However, at times, certain information may be collected from you when you visit the website. Such information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the website, pages viewed etc. We do not link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable. This means that a user's session will be tracked, but the user will be anonymous. All India Hawkers Forum does not intend to transfer, rent, sell, or share any Personal Information that may be submitted by you, without your consent to third parties who are not bound to act on behalf of All India Hawkers Forum unless such transfer is required in order to comply with requirements of law; to investigate, prevent, to take action regarding illegal activities such as suspected fraud; in response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process; to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; enforce our Terms and Conditions of Use or in situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person.

Reorganization of Business

Circumstances may arise where, whether for strategic or other business reasons, All India Hawkers Forum decides to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize businesses in some countries. Such a transaction may involve the disclosure of personal information to prospective or actual purchasers, or receiving it from sellers. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use personal information you have provided through this Site in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

    Confidentiality and Security :

  • Collected.
  • We Limit Access To Any Personal Information That May Be Submitted By You, Strictly On A Need To Know Basis, Such As To Respond To Your Inquiry Or Request..
  • We Have Physical, Electronic, Administrative, Technical And Procedural Safeguards That Comply With All Applicable Laws And Regulations To Protect Your Personal Information From Unauthorized Or Inappropriate Access, Alteration, Disclosure And Destruction. It Is Important For You To Protect Against Unauthorized Access To Your Password And To Your Computer. Be Sure To Sign Off When You Are Done Using A Shared Computer.

Transfer of Information

  • By using the website you accept and consent to the practices and principles described in this Online Privacy Policy, and to All India Hawkers Forum 's processing (which includes in particular recording, storing, utilizing or processing) of Personal Information for the purposes given above.
  • In particular, we would like to inform users from the European Union, that such Information may be stored on servers located beyond the European Union and/or transferred on to our subsidiary and affiliated companies in other countries..
  • By using the website you accept and consent to the practices and principles described in this Online Privacy Policy, and to All India Hawkers Forum 's processing (which includes in particular recording, storing, utilizing or processing) of Personal Information for the purposes given above.

Links To Other Sites

We provide links to other Web sites for your convenience and information. These sites may have their own privacy statements in place, which we recommend you review if you visit any linked Web sites. We are not responsible for the content of linked sites or any use of the sites or for the privacy practices of those other Web sites.

Third Party Services

Third parties may provide certain services on our behalf. All India Hawkers Forum may provide information, including Personal Information that All India Hawkers Forum collects on the Web to third-party service providers (who are contractually bound to use Personal Information we share with them only to perform the services we have hired them to provide) to help us deliver programs, products, information, and services. All India Hawkers Forum will take all reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party service providers are obligated to protect Personal Information on All India Hawkers Forum 's behalf.

Cookies and other technologies

We may at some time in the future collect anonymous information from visits to our websites to help us provide better customer service. At times we may also seek to place a 'Cookie' (small data file) on your computer's hard drive which allows the server to determine the computer when it visits again, in order to track statistical information about navigation to and throughout certain areas of our website, and to All India Hawkers Forum promotions on other websites. The information that is tracked is used only for internal purposes, such as to improve website navigation and to measure the effectiveness of our promotional placements. For example, we keep track of the domains from which people visit and we also measure visitor activity on the website, but in a manner that would keep the information anonymous. All India Hawkers Forum may use this data to analyze trends and statistics and to help us provide better customer service. We maintain the highest levels of confidentiality for this information. This anonymous information is used and analyzed only at an aggregate level to help us understand trends and patterns. None of this information is reviewed at an individual level.

Phishing attacks

We would like to caution our visitors about phishing attacks, wherein unscrupulous third parties seek to extract sensitive and confidential information from you by posing as a genuine website or by a sending an email misrepresenting it to be from a genuine source. Please be aware that we never seek sensitive or confidential information such as regarding your financial or health record through emails or through our websites. If you receive such a message claiming to be from All India Hawkers Forum , please do not reply to it and immediately Contact us.

Anti Spam policy

All India Hawkers Forum recognizes the receipt, transmission or distribution of spam emails (unsolicited bulk emails) as a major concern and has taken reasonable measures, to minimize the transmission and effect of spam emails in its computing environment. All emails received by All India Hawkers Forum are subject to spam check. With this measure, along with other technical spam reduction measures, All India Hawkers Forum hopes to minimize the effect of spam emails. All India Hawkers Forum reserves the right to reject and / or report any suspicious spam emails, to the authorities concerned, for necessary action, from time to time.

Compliance with Privacy laws

All India Hawkers Forum strives to comply with all applicable laws around the globe that are designed to protect your privacy and Personal Information, no matter where that Personal Information is collected, transferred, or retained. Although legal requirements may vary from country to country, All India Hawkers Forum intends to adhere to the principles set forth in this Online Privacy Policy even if Personal Information is transferred from your country to countries that may not require an "adequate" level of protection for your Personal Information.

Changes to this Policy

All India Hawkers Forum plans to take all reasonable efforts to maintain up to date and effective online privacy standards and practices. You may Contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have. Please check this privacy policy periodically to inform yourself of any changes. Although we reserve the right to modify or supplement this privacy policy, most of such changes will be minor. We will provide notice to you on this website of any major changes for at least 30 days following the change.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this website, you can Contact us. We welcome your questions and suggestions about our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our treatment of your personal information, please write to us by email to AllIndiaHawkersForum