Goals to Achieve for the leadership

Achieving any goal in life isn't just about setting clearly defined goals and wanting them badly enough. You also have to deploy the right strategies for actually achieving them. If you don't go about it the right way, then no matter what you want or how badly you think you want it, you won't see things through.

Planning is one of the most important strategies associated with the achievement of any goal. Yet, many of us fail to create detailed and intricate plans to realize our dreams. We have some abstract notion in our minds that will only get us part of the way there, but it won't help to bring those goals into fruition.
While we might all want to achieve something monumental in life, as much as we might try to stick it out and see things through, we often get discouraged. As soon as that happens, the negative-thinking gears begin turning and the what-if doomsday scenarios begin playing out in our minds.
Fear becomes that stalker in the night, ready to suffocate us and stave us off from achieving our goals. To counteract that, you need to seek daily doses of inspiration. Reach out to others who have achieved the success you're going after. Listen to their stories, and get inside their heads.
People are often critical of others, especially when they see them experience a bit of success. They try to chop you down and when you do actually fail, they're there to call you out on it, telling you that you should have never tried to achieve that lofty goal in the first place.
  • Trust for Right to Education & Equity (Tree) established on 8th February 2008 with below mentioned objects
  1. To strengthen, encourage and popularize the concept and philosophy of Popular Education Centre & sustainable people development and popular democracy in our society.
  2. To promote research, training, action and education for people's participation in various development processes.
  3. To promote public awareness regarding nationally acclaimed values through various innovations methods and through various media.
  4. To encourage and generate debates on various issues of national importance at time to time.
  5. To promote documentation in various forms and medium for furtherance of the above.
  6. To carry out, support and promote campaigns to influence public opinion necessary for furtherance for objectives.
  7. To organize, conduct, sponsor seminars, workshops, conferences, training programs, Income-tax Act, 1961 exchange visits, study tours etc. For accomplishment for the above.
  8. To develop, distribute and circulate print, audio and audio-visual learning materials and software and to create facilities for acquisition, storage, production and dissemination of the same.
  9. To promote information, analysis and educational materials to different organizations having similar objectives.
  10. To interact and coordinate with various regional, national and international institutions and networks for attaining the objectives.
  11. To publish book, papers, monographs, and other educational materials for furtherance of the society.
  12. To offer fellowship, scholarships, prizes, stipends etc. In furtherance of the objects of the society.
  • All India Hawkers forum has been formed and working under the aegis of Trust for Right to Education & Equity (TREE)
  • Our efforts are aimed at identifying and recognizing the unorganized people working as vendors in rural & urban areas, it constitutes of 20% of the population and is constantly rising, their proper identification & recognition still remains a big question.
  • The central Government passed Street Vendors Act 2014 and in line with that many State Governments also started taking steps for the betterment of the vendors.
  • Many organisations both in public and private sector have also initiated actions but the majority of hawkers are still to get benefits. They are struggling to get their due.
  • We as a country are yet to identify & recognize them properly, addressing their concern regarding employment & business still remains a far-fetched reality.
  • The Governments are acting at their respective levels but significant changes are yet to be seen on the ground.
  • All India Hawkers Forum in collaboration with several Government agencies and private bodies has been continuously putting it’s efforts to highlight the burning issues faced by it’s members and find an amicable solution through awareness camps, educational seminars, agitations etc.
  • We aim at adopting the path of dialogue, in place of agitation and struggle, with all concerned stakeholders to achieve the goal of betterment of Street Vendors.

All India Hawkers forum

Date : 12-01-2020
“Recently, the US Federal government banned online casinos from operating in America by making it illegal to transfer money to them through any US bank or payment system. As a result of this law, most of the popular online casino networks such as Party Gaming and PlayTech left the United States. Overnight, online casino players found themselves being chased by the Federal government. But, after a fortnight, the online casino industry came up with a solution and new online casinos started taking root. These began to operate under a different business umbrella, and by doing that, rendered the transfer of money to and from them legal. A major part of this was enlisting electronic banking systems that would accept this new clarification and start doing business with me. Listed in this article are the electronic banking”

All India Hawkers forum

Date : 12-01-2020
“Recently, the US Federal government banned online casinos from operating in America by making it illegal to transfer money to them through any US bank or payment system. As a result of this law, most of the popular online casino networks such as Party Gaming and PlayTech left the United States. Overnight, online casino players found themselves being chased by the Federal government. But, after a fortnight, the online casino industry came up with a solution and new online casinos started taking root. These began to operate under a different business umbrella, and by doing that, rendered the transfer of money to and from them legal. A major part of this was enlisting electronic banking systems that would accept this new clarification and start doing business with me. Listed in this article are the electronic banking”

Meet Our Leaders

There is a moment in the life of any aspiring astronomer that it is time to buy that first telescope. It’s exciting to think about setting up your own viewing station.

lt. George Fernandes

Ex. Union Leader

पूर्व यूनियन लीडर


Sharad Rao

Founder Hawkers Leader

संस्थापक हॉकर्स लीडर


Sanjay Paswan

Former Union Minister

पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री


Irfan Ahmad

First Founder Convener

पहले संस्थापक संयोजक



There is a moment in the life of any aspiring astronomer that it is time to buy that first telescope. It’s exciting to think about setting up your own viewing station whether that is on the deck
